Published inFictional Products for Fictional WorldsRedesigning the JARVIS UX: A Minimalist Approach to a Genius SystemMotivation: What Problem Needs to Be Solved?Jan 30Jan 30
Published inRuben’s FavoritesUsability in Action: Evaluating a Baby Bottle Warmer Using the Five Usability FactorsUsability is one of the most critical aspects of product design, it determines how easily, efficiently, and pleasantly users can accomplish…Jan 29Jan 29
Published inRuben’s FavoritesDesigning Danger - The UX Behind the Biohazard Symbol and the Challenge of Communicating Across…When we think about user experience (UX), we often focus on digital products — how intuitive an app is, how clear a button looks, or how…Jan 29Jan 29
Published inFictional Products for Fictional WorldsDesign a silent alarm for the TSAOver the holiday break, I stumbled upon Carry On on Netflix. A promising action thriller where TSA agent Ethan Kopek faces off against a…Jan 1Jan 1
Published inRuben’s Favorites2025 prediction: The Year of Experience and Integration in AIThe rapid evolution of AI over the last few years has been extraordinary. As we stand at the dawn of 2025, it’s clear this year will be…Jan 1Jan 1
Published inFictional Products for Fictional WorldsDesigning a Star Wars Cantina Band Booking PlatformMusic in the Star Wars Galaxy: A New Hope for BandsDec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024
Published inFictional Products for Fictional WorldsFictional Products for Fictional Worlds: Building an E-Commerce Platform for the Wizarding World of…When I was in business school preparing for product sense interviews, I often searched for prompts to refine my thinking. One suggestion…Dec 3, 2024Dec 3, 2024
Socavon — Creating a video game inspired by Peruvian folkloreCreating Socavon was a deeply meaningful experience for me. It allowed me to create something truly unique while incorporating my roots…May 24, 2023May 24, 2023
Idea Ignition: Soluciones unicas e inovadoras en solo 60 minutosIdea Ignition es una herramienta muy poderosa para Product Managers o para cualquier persona interesada en generar soluciones de manera…Mar 26, 2023Mar 26, 2023